Theatre workshop- 22/01/18

Theatre Workshop- 22/01/18

W started off the day by going back to the misorgi exercise but in a simpler and quicker way but yet it was still as effective as when your doing the full thing, i believe that this is because we were really feeling it and even though it was shorter we were still dedicated to the exercise, therefore allowing our minds to be cleared and leave us feeling refreshed and ready to create Theatre.

After cleansing ourselves and the area around us we all grabbed a pillow and lied around in a scattered way. We were instructed to make/imagine the pillows as something else and play with that idea, I envisioned my pillow to be a teddy bear from my childhood this idea helped me make certain decisions with my pillow for example, i would be very close to it and i sort of felt very attached to it and i wouldn't want to let it go.
Slowly we came together and started copying each other's moves that we found interesting, while also responding to the music being played and eventually, the entire class worked as an ensemble with the same movement and speed this was called 'shoaling'. I thought that working together made the scene very powerful as we were all trying to display the same message therefore making it more significant, also one or two people wouldn't be with the group so it creates some sort of narrative for the audience.

The idea of communicating with each other and telling a story with a narrative without using any words was explored further in our next exercise. We place all our pillows at the edge of the room and created a circle which we would sit on the outside of it, if you wanted to perform we had to go inside the circle this was known as the 'magic space'. When you entered the space you had to create a story and narrative with just your body language, which at first i was a bit reluctant to do but as i got into the performance i found it very fun and enjoyable, especially when we all worked together as an ensemble this exercise definitely brought us together i felt like we were a massive family.
When the stories in the circle were created they were all completely different yet somehow linked together and it really explored the different sides to dreams. But the stories played out with the music so as the soundtrack got faster and more upbeat so did the movements, It was interesting how the whole thing was literally all improvisation yet it was very powerful and moving. Doing this really allowed me to see how easily good Theatre can be made, it doesn't have to be all talking.

During the 'magic space' exercise we were told to draw are anything that comes into our heads while watching the performances going on in the space. This is what i drew:


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